What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

what is search engine optimization seo

Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to practices designed to make web content more visible and easily discoverable on search engines. SEO is important because unlike paid advertisements or social media posts, organic search engine traffic provides businesses with sustainable access to qualified leads and customers.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. To accomplish this goal, SEO practitioners employ on-page and off-page techniques to drive qualified visitors directly to their brand or website at exactly the right moment in time.

SEO (search engine optimization) can be divided into three broad categories. They are: technical optimization, on-page optimization and off-page optimization. Technical optimization refers to activities which improve how your website functions such as adding meta descriptions to pages, using keyword-rich URLs or including schema markup that helps search engines understand what your content means.

On-page optimization involves all elements that you are in charge of on your website, such as title tags, meta descriptions, image alt text and H1 headings. It also involves making sure your site loads quickly while being mobile friendly as well as using structured data so search engines have all of the information they need to rank you for target search queries.

Off-page optimization (offpage SEO) refers to obtaining links from other websites back to yours, an essential part of any SEO strategy. While off-page SEO may no longer be as essential, its presence should still be taken into consideration for effective search engine optimization strategies.

Although there are various SEO strategies, the most successful strategies all center around providing search engines with high-quality, relevant content that speaks directly to searchers’ needs and intent. Furthermore, these plans strive to give searchers access to useful, authoritative and trusted results for their queries.

Google, as the leading search engine, should be at the core of any SEO effort. Most internet searchers rely on it for finding what they’re searching for online.

Marketers have come to realize that Google is a search engine focused on people, rewarding brands that prioritize human elements in their content creation process.

As search engines evolve, it has become clearer that business success hinges on businesses being able to connect and engage audiences through content that is both organic and natural – this is what sets SEO apart from other forms of marketing which may be intrusive or disruptive.
