How to SEO Your Website – A Step-By-Step Guide

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most powerful ways to drive visitors to your website, providing more traffic than other methods combined. SEO involves tailoring your content, website structure and linking strategy in order to rank higher on search engines such as Google when people search for those keywords.

SEO is constantly evolving, making it impossible to include every best practice here. But this step-by-step guide can help you create a strong base for improving search engine rankings.

First, conduct research to identify which keywords are most pertinent to your product or service, then optimize your website and blog content around these keywords.

Use your keyword in each title> tag of every webpage on your website, as this text appears at the top of a browser window and as search engine results headlines. It is by far the most essential piece of metadata on a webpage.

Use keywords in the slug of each web page on your site – this text that appears in browser address bars can be edited via your CMS – this helps search engines understand what each page is about while also serving as anchor text for links pointing towards it.

Make sure that your keyword appears both in the meta description and h1 tag of each post you publish – these tags appear in search engine results pages, making an h1 tag one of the primary influencers in determining ranking position. Meta descriptions provide text displayed under titles in search engine results pages, so providing valuable click-through rate data.

Make use of keywords in both the file name and alt text of every image on your website – this tells search engines what the picture is all about and may affect its ranking positions.

Internal links allow visitors to your website to navigate directly to a target page from within other pages on your site, sending signals to search engines that your content is relevant and helpful. Be wary of using overly keyword-stuffed or long anchor text which could appear unnatural and even harm ranking performance.

Finally, make sure your website’s underlying code and server configuration is optimized so that it loads quickly and correctly. This can be accomplished by eliminating unnecessary code, compressing images, and improving URL structure – something Google often penalizes websites that do not possess an efficient structure.
