Game of Thrones Slots is an immersive, social, free-to-play casino slot machine game featuring classic casino slots as well as revolutionary social gameplay. Level up as you play to earn coins and unlock new slots and free bonuses; work together with friends to earn epic rewards such as Iron Throne tickets! Game of Thrones slot […]
Health care deductibles represent the amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance company begins covering some costs for you. Understanding your deductible can have both financial and healthcare repercussions for you. Reaching your deductible can mark an important step on your healthcare journey. When you meet it, cost-sharing expenses such as copayments and coinsurance […]
If you see “Represented Internet Payment Discover” charges on your credit card statement, they could be associated with online purchases or payments made recently. To determine this further, cross-reference the charge with any purchases or payments that have taken place online. Alternatively, contact Discover customer service and ask why this charge appears on your account. […]
Cryptocurrencies have quickly become mainstream, but how many digital currencies exist today? Bitcoin may be best known, but it’s far from being the only cryptocurrency. A look at CoinMarketCap shows there are currently 13,217 active cryptocurrencies trading – though many have little or no value. Though cryptocurrencies have proliferated rapidly in recent years, only a […]
The Daniel Fast is a short-term eating plan modeled on that of an Old Testament prophet named Daniel. While not fasting directly, rather limiting certain foods for 21 days may increase spirituality while providing weight loss and health benefits. Furthermore, unlike some popular diets which require complicated recipes or guidelines to follow it is far […]
An overwhelming stroll down the tea aisle at your grocery store can be daunting. Dozens of options await your consideration–each promising various health benefits and boasting its own distinctive flavor profile. But which herbal tea should you pick? Technical Fun Facts: Herb teas may not technically count as true teas in that they do not […]
An irritating sore throat is never fun, but sipping on warm tea may provide relief and soothe irritation. Packed with soothing and protective herbs that protect throat tissues, certain teas may even help clear congestion. While one cup may not cure serious illnesses like cancer or flu, herbal blends contain antioxidants which may be effective […]
Some teas are simply delicious ways to stay hydrated, while others can help your digestive tract run more efficiently. This includes herbs with laxative properties that encourage regular bowel movements as well as herbal blends like our Smooth Move tea which combine several ingredients to provide additional relief from constipation and soothe indigestion, both of […]
Herbal tea has seen significant popularity recently among social media influencers. These teas are said to help reduce bloating, improve digestion, boost metabolism and increase energy levels while aiding weight loss by curbing appetite and creating feelings of fullness. It’s important to keep in mind that there are different varieties of herbal tea available and […]
High blood pressure (hypertension), or elevated systolic and/or diastolic readings above 130mm Hg or 80mm Hg can be life-threatening, leading to cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney disease or even death. Because of this risk factor, many are searching for natural ways to manage and support healthy heart function in managing their hypertension condition. Herbal teas have […]